Determination of the effective level of single shock pulses for detecting defects in printed board assemblies of electronic devices
radio-electronic means, technical diagnostics, shock effect, design defects, shape, amplitude, signal duration, mathematical modeling, fourier transformAbstract
Defects and malfunctions of radioelectronic devices, due to the complexity of the design and complexity of the technological processes of their production, are inevitable at the present stage of development of the electronic industry, so the tasks of technical diagnostics of manufactured devices remain relevant at the present time. To date, various methods of monitoring and diagnostics have been developed and successfully applied, and one of them is shock diagnostics. The method is based on the study of the node's response (response function) to disturbing shock effects. It is shown that for certain groups of RES failures, the shock effect is the most informative for the study, which allows us to uniquely identify the defect of an electronic device by changing the characteristics of its output signal. The paper presents the results of a study to determine the parameters of an effective setting action in order to obtain an unambiguous reaction of an electronic node in the presence of defects of a certain kind in it.
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