Preparation of thin-film semiconductor layers of metal oxides by sol-gel method


  • I. N. Fadeykina Dubna State University, Dubna, Russian Federation
  • N. V. Glombotskaya Dubna State University, Dubna, Russian Federation
  • A. D. Shirokova Dubna State University, Dubna, Russian Federation


sol-gel method, Thin-film structures, semiconducting materials, Conducting glass, tin dioxide


This paper presents an overview of the main techniques and approaches for obtaining semiconductor oxide structures on a glass substrate by the sol-gel method. The main stages of obtaining precursors, preparing and applying sol and obtaining a conductor coating, applicable for such materials, are generalized and described. Samples based on tin dioxide were obtained and characterized experimentally.


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How to Cite

Фадейкина, И. Н., Гломбоцкая, Н. В., & Широкова, А. Д. (2021). Preparation of thin-film semiconductor layers of metal oxides by sol-gel method. E-Journal of Dubna State University. A Series of “Science of Man and Society”, (3(48), 40–45. Retrieved from


