Investigation of the behavior of fission fragments of radioactive nuclei when passing through solid-state foils using the Timepix3 detector (experimental design)


  • D. V. Kamanin Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russian Federation
  • S. Pospishil Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
  • YU. V. Pyatkov National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", Moscow
  • O. V. Strekalovskiy Dubna State University, Dubna, Russian Federation
  • P. Burian University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech
  • Z. I. Goryainova Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russian Federation
  • M. Holik Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
  • L. Medina Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic


triple collinear cluster decay, PIN detector


The aim of the project is to investigate a new effect related to the behavior of fission fragments of radioactive nuclei when passing through a solid-state foil. According to previous experiments, it is expected that some of the fragments, as a result of inelastic collision with the foil nuclei, decay into two nuclei, one of which is magic, for example, 128Sn, 132Sn, 144Ba. The project is aimed at detecting all decay products of the fragment using PiN detectors and a Timepix3 hybrid pixel particle detector with the Katherine reader. The Timepix3 detector makes it possible to simultaneously determine the coordinates (x, y) of the detected decay products with a resolution of at least 55 μm, as well as their energy and time of flight. Signals from PIN detectors are recorded using multichannel high-speed digitizers (5 GHz) DT5742.


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“Timepix3” – Accelerating Innovation. CERN. – URL: (режим доступа: свободный. Дата обращения: 02.11.2020).



How to Cite

Каманин, Д. В., Поспишил, С., Пятков, Ю. В., Стрекаловский, О. В., Буриан, П., Горяйнова, . З. И., Холик, М., & Медина, Л. (2021). Investigation of the behavior of fission fragments of radioactive nuclei when passing through solid-state foils using the Timepix3 detector (experimental design). E-Journal of Dubna State University. A Series of “Science of Man and Society”, (3(48), 16–19. Retrieved from


