Algorithm for placing elements on the printed circuit assembly of an electronic device
algorithm of element placement, optimization, element placement, radio-electronic means, printing unit, temperature regime, reliability of electronic meansAbstract
The task of optimizing the placement of elements on printed components of electronic means is a very
important task in the process of technical design to ensure the quality and reliability of electronic means. Optimized placement of electronic components on a printed circuit board (PCB)
it is required to meet many contradictory design goals, since most components have different values of power dissipation, operating temperature, material characteristics and dimensions. To solve this problem, modern packages of automated design and engineering analysis were used in order to analyze and ensure the optimal temperature in the field of switching. In addition, when designing electronic devices, much attention was paid to the use of artificial neural network technologies and an algorithm for solving design problems was developed. The direction of development of this research is the presentation and improvement of the algorithm for placing elements on the printed node of an electronic device, solving the multi-criteria task of designing electronic devices and a complete assessment of the factors affecting the reliability of electronics as a whole
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