The analysis of modern clustering and classification methods


  • A. S. Uvajsova RTU MIREA, Moscow,78 Vernadsky Avenue
  • Dang Nguen Viet RTU MIREA, Moscow,78 Vernadsky Avenue
  • S. K. Demchenko RTU MIREA, Moscow,78 Vernadsky Avenue
  • F. F. Ivanov Surgut State University, Surgut
  • Fam Le Quoc Khanh RTU MIREA, Moscow,78 Vernadsky Avenue
  • Куань Дао Ань RTU MIREA, Moscow,78 Vernadsky Avenue


classification, clustering, machine learning, artificial intelligence, neural networks, classification algorithms


Over the past 20 years, machine learning methods have spread rapidly to most areas of human activity and now help to solve a variety of tasks from credit scoring and product price forecasting to car license plate recognition and speech synthesis. These methods are based on the tasks they solve. Currently, the most relevant and popular tasks are classification and clustering of objects. The article provides an overview and analysis of modern methods that can solve these types of problems.


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How to Cite

Увайсова, А. С., Нгуен Вет, Д., Демченко, С. К., Иванов, Ф. Ф., Куок Хань, Ф. Л., & Дао Ань, К. (2021). The analysis of modern clustering and classification methods. E-Journal of Dubna State University. A Series of “Science of Man and Society”, (4 (49), 19–22. Retrieved from


