Hardware and software of control systems autonomous surface vehicle for geophysics engi- neering researches on area of water


  • Y. V. Yablokova Dubna State University
  • V. V. Vaznis Dubna State University
  • A. E. Sirenko Dubna State University
  • O. A. Koligaev Dubna State University


autonomous surface uninhabited vehicles, geophysical engineering research, PWM-source, software


Applications of autonomous surface uninhabited vehicles for determination of engineering problems were investigated in this work. Relevance and necessity of development of the autonomous surface vehicles are mentioned. The model of the developed vehicle of present class and developed software and hardware were constructed. The preliminary tests have been done.


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How to Cite

Яблокова, Ю. В., Вазнис, В. В., Сиренко, А. Э., & Колигаев, О. А. (2021). Hardware and software of control systems autonomous surface vehicle for geophysics engi- neering researches on area of water. E-Journal of Dubna State University. A Series of “Science of Man and Society”, (3(35), 65–69. Retrieved from https://ein.uni-dubna.ru/index.php/ein/article/view/40


