Signature energetic analysis of accelerated electron beam at exit of first acceleration station at accelerating stand of Joint institute for nuclear research
linear electron accelerator, electron beam, magnetic analyzer, klystron, accelerated beamAbstract
There is created in JINR a Test Bed on the linear electron accelerator with the energy of 250 MeV, being based on LINAC-800 from the Netherlands. Today we use the generated beam for testing such crystals as BaF2, LYSO, and CsY with the purpose of their application for particle detectors and research of the semiconductors Si, Ge, ArGa for radiation resistance. Moreover, these tests are carried out for investigation of the properties of accelerating structures. Besides, we assume using an electron beam to create a free-electron laser. Nowadays, there are two acceleration stations with the energy of 60 MeV and a pulse current up to 1mA. Work is being carried out to enable the beam passage through the accelerating section of the third acceleration station. By the end of the year, the remaining acceleration stations are supposed to be put into operation with the energy of 250 MeV.
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