Hydrochemical drain and features of the mode of underground waters of a river basin of Oka within the territory of the Ryazan region
hydrochemical mode of underground waters, river basin, drain mode, climatic conditions, water securityAbstract
The role of underground waters in normal functioning of an economic complex of the Ryazan region is extremely big. Practically all cities, large and small settlements are provided with water at the expense of the underground water-bearing horizons. The exception makes the city of Ryazan which providing with water for 80% is based on a superficial drain of the Oka River.
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Геолого-гидрогеологические условия Рязанской области // Геоцентр-Москва. URL: Геолого-гидрогеологические условия Рязанской области. Режим доступа: свободный (дата обращения: 25.08.2016).