Makroekologiya of roads: evaluation of the impact on biodiversity and the population structure of vertebrate animals


  • E. G. Koroleva Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова, МГУ
  • U. D. Scherbakova Dubna State University


road ecology, roadkills, mammals, monitoring


This work is devoted to assessing the ecological and geographical group of mammals killed on the roads by collisions with motor vehicles. The aim of this study is to identify the most vulnerable species of mammals, evaluation of the degree withdrawal animal populations and the impact of this effect on the structure of populations and communities. Along with the ecogeographical, conducted in a statistically and spatial analysis. This publication presents the results of the first phase of the project on the ecology of roads.


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How to Cite

Королёва, Е. Г., & Щербакова, У. Д. (2021). Makroekologiya of roads: evaluation of the impact on biodiversity and the population structure of vertebrate animals. E-Journal of Dubna State University. A Series of “Science of Man and Society”, (3(35), 22–28. Retrieved from


