Active fault zones as the object of geoecological researches


  • E. V. Arkhipova Dubna State University
  • A. D. Zhigalin Институт геоэкологии им. Е.М. Сергеева РАН (ИГЭ РАН)


fractured zones, seismogenerating structures, juvenile gases, geopathogenesis


Active fractured zones separating large blocks of crust represent specific geological formations. This is usually long and wide weakened areas of the Earth's crust through which the Interior juvenile gases and plasma go out to the planet surface. Within the fractured zones there are many large ore and non-metallic deposits. Fractured zone are seismogenerating structures, as it coincides with the majority of earthquakes and volcanic activity. Fractured zone cause a great deal of interest among engineers-geologists conducting surveys for the construction of especially important objects. It is expected that the faults associated with the so-called geopathogenic zones.


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How to Cite

Архипова, Е. В., & Жигалин, А. Д. (2021). Active fault zones as the object of geoecological researches. E-Journal of Dubna State University. A Series of “Science of Man and Society”, (3(35), 8–14. Retrieved from


