The state of the soil cover of the urban settlement of Kesova Gora Tver region


  • A. S. Tikhonova Dubna State University, Dubna, Russian Federation
  • S. P. Kaplina Dubna State University, Dubna, Russian Federation
  • I. Z. Kamanina Dubna State University, Dubna, Russian Federation


soil, heavy metals, locality, ecological state of the environment


The work is devoted to the study of the soils of the urban-type settlement (village) of Kesova Gora, Tver region. The samples were selected according to a randomly ordered grid, taking into account the functional zoning of the territory. The main agrochemical indicators (pHwod, pHsol, organic carbon, the sum of exchange bases, easily soluble phosphates, exchange potassium), as well as heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn) were determined in the soils. The chemical substance concentration coefficient (Cs) and the total pollution indicator (Zc) relative to the regional background were calculated, the territory was zoned according to the degree of soil contamination.


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How to Cite

Тихонова, А. С., Каплина, С. П., & Каманина, И. З. (2021). The state of the soil cover of the urban settlement of Kesova Gora Tver region. E-Journal of Dubna State University. A Series of “Science of Man and Society”, (1(38), 50–56. Retrieved from


