Study of Natural and Induced Radioactivity of samples of plants


  • G. K. Kanagatova Dubna State University, Dubna, Russian Federation
  • M. S. Hamada Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russian Federation
  • S. B. Borzakov Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russian Federation
  • K. Hramko Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russian Federation


radioactivity, neutron activation analysis, gamma-ray spectroscopy, HPGe detector


Natural and artificial radioactivity in plant samples from Egypt was studied. A high-purity germanium (HPGe) detector from the company was used to measure gamma radioactivity in the samples Canberra. The natural activity values of 40K, 226Ra and 232Th were obtained from the measured gamma-ray spectra. Using neutron activation analysis conducted at the IBR-2 reactor, concentrations of 21 elements were determined in the same samples, among which there are elements related to the main environmental pollutants


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How to Cite

Канагатова, Г. К., Хамада, М. С., Борзаков, С. Б., & Храмко, К. (2021). Study of Natural and Induced Radioactivity of samples of plants. E-Journal of Dubna State University. A Series of “Science of Man and Society”, (1(38), 10–18. Retrieved from


