Measuring the optical characteristics at the Baikal Neutrino Telescope site
neutrino telescope, optical module, cherenkov radiation, laser sourceAbstract
2015 The deep-sea neutrino telescope of the cubic kilometer scale NT1000 is being deployed on Lake Baikal. The detector is mainly designed to study astrophysical neutrino fluxes in the energy range from several hundred GeV to 100 PeV. The first phase of the NT1000 will be an array of 2,300 optical modules with an instrumental volume of about 0.4 cubic kilometers, which is planned to be completed by 2020-2021. The optical properties of the Baikal water make it possible to create a neutrino telescope with unique sensitivity and angular resolution properties that open up new horizons in astronomy and astrophysics. The article provides basic information about the NT1000 and about the method being developed for measuring the optical characteristics of the detector's aqueous medium using a powerful laser light source.
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