Equipment for the study of division processes


  • K. V. Kurolapova Dubna State University, Dubna, Russian Federation
  • Sh. S. Zeynalov Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russian Federation


Rameau-Shockley theorem, ionization chamber with Frisch grids, double ionization chamber with Frisch grids


The principles of operation of a pulsed ionization chamber are investigated, in which particles emitted from a target create a sequence of well-isolated current pulses (the distance between the pulses is several times greater than their width). First, using the Rameau - Shockley theorem, the mechanisms of signal formation on the electrodes of an ionization chamber with Frisch grids are considered, then it is shown how information about the energy and spatial orientation of particles can be extracted from such signals using modern electronic devices-pulse digitizers.


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How to Cite

Курлапова, К. В., & Зейналов, Ш. С. (2021). Equipment for the study of division processes. E-Journal of Dubna State University. A Series of “Science of Man and Society”, (4(45), 11–16. Retrieved from


