Development of a method of shock diagnostics for detection of defects of electronic means


  • С. У. Увайсов RTU MIREA, Moscow,78 Vernadsky Avenue
  • V. V. Chernoverskaya RTU MIREA, Moscow,78 Vernadsky Avenue
  • Fam Le Quoc Khanh RTU MIREA, Moscow,78 Vernadsky Avenue


diagnostics of defects, Shock impact, electronic means, mechanical defects, artificial neural network


The article considers the method of shock diagnostics of electronic means defects by generating test shock effects. The existing problems of diagnostics of electronic means constructions are analyzed and the relevance of the research is proved. An experimental installation is presented and a study is conducted on a specific objec

Author Biographies

С. У. Увайсов, RTU MIREA, Moscow,78 Vernadsky Avenue

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Design and Production of Radio-electronic Means of RTU MIREA.

V. V. Chernoverskaya, RTU MIREA, Moscow,78 Vernadsky Avenue

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Design and Production of Radio-electronic Means of RTU MIREA

Fam Le Quoc Khanh, RTU MIREA, Moscow,78 Vernadsky Avenue

Post-graduate student of the 3rd year of study of the Department of Design and Production of Radio-electronic means of RTU MIREA


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How to Cite

Увайсов, С. У., Черноверская, В. В., & Куок Хань, Ф. Л. (2021). Development of a method of shock diagnostics for detection of defects of electronic means. E-Journal of Dubna State University. A Series of “Science of Man and Society”, (1(46), 48–55. Retrieved from


