Development of a method for optimal placement of elements on the switching field of the printing unit in order to provide the specified thermal modes of radio electronic means.


  • Zang Wang Thanh RTU MIREA, Moscow,78 Vernadsky Avenue
  • S. U. Uvajsov RTU MIREA, Moscow,78 Vernadsky Avenue
  • V. V. Chernoverskaya РТУ МИРЭА, г. Москва, Пр-т Вернадского, д. 78


optimization, thermal regime, placement of elements, printing unit, reliability of electronic means


Currently technical design is one of the most important stages of development and production of electronic tools that are widely used in the electronics industry. At the stage of design studies in the framework of solving the problem of improving the quality and reliability of electronic devices manufactured in the form of printed circuit assemblies (PU), receive a constructive implementation and the main performance characteristics of future products

Author Biographies

Zang Wang Thanh, RTU MIREA, Moscow,78 Vernadsky Avenue

Post-graduate student of the 2nd year of study of the Department of Design and Production of Radio-
electronic means of RTU MIREA

S. U. Uvajsov, RTU MIREA, Moscow,78 Vernadsky Avenue

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Design and Production of Radio-electronic Means of RTU MIREA.

V. V. Chernoverskaya, РТУ МИРЭА, г. Москва, Пр-т Вернадского, д. 78

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Design and Production of Radio-electronic Means of RTU MIREA


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How to Cite

Ван Тхань, З., Увайсов, С. У., & Черноверская, В. В. (2021). Development of a method for optimal placement of elements on the switching field of the printing unit in order to provide the specified thermal modes of radio electronic means. E-Journal of Dubna State University. A Series of “Science of Man and Society”, (1(46), 37–47. Retrieved from


