Clarification of the geological structure and the degree of heterogeneity of productive reservoir on the results of tracer research


  • D.A. Chernokozhev Dubna State University
  • M.S. Khozyainov Dubna State University
  • M.I. Kuznetsov Dubna State University
  • K.I. Kuznetsova Dubna State University


tracer research, geological structure, oil reservoir, heterogeneity reservoir


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How to Cite

Чернокожев, Д. А., Хозяинов, М. С., Кузнецов, М. И., & Кузнецова, К. И. (2021). Clarification of the geological structure and the degree of heterogeneity of productive reservoir on the results of tracer research. E-Journal of Dubna State University. A Series of “Science of Man and Society”, (2(34), 68–75. Retrieved from


