Study of characteristics of upgraded detection system GABRIELA of separator SHELS


  • M.S. Tezekbayeva Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
  • A.V. Yeremin Joint Institute for Nuclear Research


GABRIELA, separator SHELS, complete fusion reaction, alfa-decay, SI-, Ge-detectors, energy resolution


The work is dedicated to the investigation of the characteristics of upgraded detection system GABRIELA of SHELS separator. The work is dedicated to an actual problem of the modern experiments: detection of alpha-particles and gamma-quanta, emitted by products of the reaction of complete fusion of heavy accelerated ions with target nuclei under study. The area of application of the combined detection system GABRIELA and kinematic separator SHELS is the detailed study of the radioactive decay properties of isotopes of transfermium elements (Z ≥ 100). In this work the structure of semiconductor detectors is considered in detail and their energy calibration is conducted, as well as estimation of the registration efficiency of alpha particles and gamma quanta. During the experiments carried out in November 2015 and in January 2016 the properties of radioactive decay of the isotopes formed in complete fusion reactions 48Ca + 208Pb → 256No* и 48Ca + + 209Bi → 257Lr* were studied. The sequential alphaalpha, alpha-gamma correlations and recoil - alpha correlations for a detailed study of the properties of the radioactive decay of isotopes 254No, 255Lr and their daughter isotopes were searched.


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How to Cite

Тезекбаева, М. С., & Еремин, А. В. (2021). Study of characteristics of upgraded detection system GABRIELA of separator SHELS. E-Journal of Dubna State University. A Series of “Science of Man and Society”, (2(34), 45–51. Retrieved from


