Problems of water quality management in water objects
quality of natural surface water, xenobiotics, methods of chemical analysis of natural waters, sources of water pollution, processes of transformation of water quality, biological activity of components of quality, regulatory assurance of water qualityAbstract
Presents a study of modern concepts of water quality of surface water bodies, including classification of pollution sources (controlled, uncontrolled, point, diffuse); available information about them; the current understanding of priority contaminants, including xenobiotics in natural waters; the processes of transformation of water quality , including biochemical; modern methods of analysis of water quality; the new problem of identifying contamination with the world databases and modern information technologies; methods of evaluating biological activity of xenobiotics, including various types of adverse effects on living organisms; the status of the legal framework and problems of its perfection.
Водный кодекс РФ от 03.06.2006 No 74-ФЗ.
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