Studing of the mechanism of sorbtion of the perfluorodecyltriethoxysilane modifier on the surface of perticles of silicon dioxide by oxytermography-based method


  • E.O. Aleksandrova Dubna State University
  • B.K. Zuev Dubna State University
  • R.V. Novichkov Dubna State University
  • A.Yu. Olenin Lomonosov Moscow State University


oxythermography method, particles of silicon dioxide, modifying surface, modifier perfluorodecyltriethoxysilane



At present giving hydrophobic and superhydrophobic properties to various surfaces is a popular fieldof applied colloid and physical chemistry. Using modified silicon dioxide of different sizes allows us to change the properties of a surface in a wide range of limiting wetting angles up to 160°. Within the framework of the present paper we have proposed a new method for modifying silicon dioxide by alkoxysilanes. The present paper also proposes a new oxythermography-based method for determining the density of surface modification which allowed us to calculate the concentration of modifiers on the surface of silicon dioxide. Thus, by oxythermography-based method studied the mechanism of sorption of a perfluorodecyltriethoxysilane. Research confirm formation of a polymolecular layer on the surface of silicon dioxide and appearance of two processes in the reaction mixture - aggregation of molecules in solution and a hemosorbtion of molecules on the surface of particles. The size of particles and their distribution were controlled by the method of dynamic light scattering. Looking at the degree of hysteresis and limiting wetting angles we determined the hydrophobic quality of processed materials.


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How to Cite

Александрова, Е. О., Зуев, Б. К., Новичков, Р. В., & Оленин, А. Ю. (2021). Studing of the mechanism of sorbtion of the perfluorodecyltriethoxysilane modifier on the surface of perticles of silicon dioxide by oxytermography-based method. E-Journal of Dubna State University. A Series of “Science of Man and Society”, (2(34), 3–10. Retrieved from


