Development of a method for thermal diagnostics of radioelectronic devices using an artificial neural network.


  • Dao Ank Quan RTU MIREA, Moscow,78 Vernadsky Avenue
  • S. U. Uvajsov RTU MIREA, Moscow,78 Vernadsky Avenue
  • V. V. Chernoverskaya RTU MIREA, Moscow,78 Vernadsky Avenue


diagnostics, thermal model, latent defect, thermogram, radio-electronic equipment, thermal mode


The current level of development of science and technology allows us to speak about the high quality and stable operation of electronic devices used in the manufacturing industry, which, in turn, ensures compliance with technological requirements and reduce production costs

Author Biographies

Dao Ank Quan, RTU MIREA, Moscow,78 Vernadsky Avenue

Post-graduate student of the 2nd year of study of the Department of Design and Production of Radio-electronic means of RTU MIREA

S. U. Uvajsov, RTU MIREA, Moscow,78 Vernadsky Avenue

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Design and Production of Radio-electronic Means of RTU MIREA

V. V. Chernoverskaya, RTU MIREA, Moscow,78 Vernadsky Avenue

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Design and Production of Radio-electronic Means of RTU MIREA.


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How to Cite

Ань Куань, Д., Увайсов, С. У., & Черноверская, В. В. (2021). Development of a method for thermal diagnostics of radioelectronic devices using an artificial neural network. E-Journal of Dubna State University. A Series of “Science of Man and Society”, (1(46), 28–36. Retrieved from


