Temporal variations of seismicity as an indicator of systemic seismogeodynamic development of eastern siberia and the far east


  • H.V. Arkhipova Dubna State University
  • A.D. Zhigalin Институт геоэкологии им. Е.М. Сергеева РАН (ИГЭ РАН); Российский государственный геологоразведочный Университет им. С. Орджоникидзе (МГРИ-РГГРУ)
  • I.S. Guseva Dubna State University


временные вариации числа землетрясений, сейсмическая опасность, каскадное развитие природно-техногенных процессов, temporal variations in the number of earthquakes, seismic hazard, cascade development of natural and man-made processes


Based on the data samples from the USGS catalog from 1973 to 2014 are calculated time series reflecting variations in earthquake activity within the regions of the Far East and Eastern Siberia. It turned out that the time course of earthquakes in these regions can be traced synchronization periods of peak activity, which is most pronounced for certain seismically active levels. Sync revealed evidence of the presence of systemic manifestations of the unity of the seismicity in the north-east of Eurasia. The findings are important for the medium-term forecast of seismic hazard and the timely adoption of measures for the prevention of natural and man-caused disasters.


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How to Cite

Архипова, Е. В., Жигалин, А. Д., & Гусева, И. С. (2021). Temporal variations of seismicity as an indicator of systemic seismogeodynamic development of eastern siberia and the far east. E-Journal of Dubna State University. A Series of “Science of Man and Society”, (1(33), 3–11. Retrieved from https://ein.uni-dubna.ru/index.php/ein/article/view/142


