Thermal stability of polyaniline synthesized by chemical and electrochemical methods


  • I. N. Fadeykina Dubna State University
  • O. S. Lamakina Dubna State University
  • E.D. Gribova Dubna State University


polyaniline, conductive polymer, doping agent, thermal degradation, DSC


In the present article was carried out the chemical and electrochemical synthesis of polyaniline(PANI). The thermal stability was determined experimentally for the samples by differential scanning calorimetry method (DSC). It was found that a chemically prepared polyaniline has a higher thermal stability.


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How to Cite

Фадейкина, И. Н., Ламакина, О. С., & Грибова, Е. Д. (2021). Thermal stability of polyaniline synthesized by chemical and electrochemical methods. E-Journal of Dubna State University. A Series of “Science of Man and Society”, (1(37), 48–52. Retrieved from


