The study of "small up-scattering" of ultracold neutrons and losses factor on a surface of hydrogen free oil fomblin with different average molecular weight


  • K. Turlybekuly Dubna State University
  • E.V. Lychagin Joint Institute for Nuclear Research


UCN, losses factor, small upscattering of UCN


In this paper the results of the experimental data treatment to determine probability of “small upscattering” of ultracold neutrons (UCN) and UCN losses factor are presented for different typs of hydrogen free oil Fomblin. The phenomenon of “small up-scattering” is inelastic reflection of UCN with low energy transfer. It is the source of systematic errors in such precise experiments with UCN as the neutron lifetime measuring. The conclusion about more suitable oil for covering of UCN storage volume walls for neutron lifetime measuring is done.


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Характеристика и область применения маслоFomblin. – URL: (режим доступа: свободный. Дата обращения: 25.03.2017).



How to Cite

Турлыбекулы, К., & Лычагин, Е. В. (2021). The study of "small up-scattering" of ultracold neutrons and losses factor on a surface of hydrogen free oil fomblin with different average molecular weight. E-Journal of Dubna State University. A Series of “Science of Man and Society”, (1(37), 39–47. Retrieved from


