Modeling of gas flows in the ecr ion sources
the ECR ion sources, separator MASHA, hot trap, “MolFlow ”Abstract
After successful studies of the synthesis of new nuclides, the methods of their identification by classical mass spectrometers began to develop actively. For one of these purposes, the MASHA mass spectrometer was created at the FLNR of JINR. The work is devoted to the study of particle flux dynamics in MASHA hot trap in order to increase the efficiency of “target-ECR-source” system. For such aim, a numerical 3D model of the hot chamber was created in the “MolFlow +” program, developed at CERN since 1990.
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Cайт разработчиков программного продукта“MolFlow +”. URL: (режим доступа: свободный. Датаобращения: 01.04.2017).