Optimization of the configuration of thermal neutron counters by the method of ultracold neutron storage in a trap


  • D.A. Kereibay Dubna State University
  • E.V. Lychagin Joint Institute for Nuclear Research


Ultra-Cold neutrons, neutron lifetime, detector


The prospect of further increasing accuracy of experiments devoted to neutron lifetime measurements can be related to the use of the method of UCN storage in a trap with small losses and accounting for neutron losses by registering the flux of thermalized neutrons from the wall of the trap. For such experiments several possible geometries of thermalized neutron detectors were considered. It is shown that using an additional reflector allows one to use a detector in the form of individual cylindrical counters without decreasing the detection efficiency of thermalized neutrons compared with that of a detector which has only one working volume. The results of this work can be proposed to be used to create an optimal geometry of the experimental set up.


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How to Cite

Керейбай, Д., & Лычагин, Е. В. (2021). Optimization of the configuration of thermal neutron counters by the method of ultracold neutron storage in a trap. E-Journal of Dubna State University. A Series of “Science of Man and Society”, (1(37), 12–19. Retrieved from https://ein.uni-dubna.ru/index.php/ein/article/view/135


