Development of film materials based on refractory compounds for products operating in extreme conditions


  • A.M. Sasov Dubna State University


resistive films, metal silicides, solid solutions


The reasons for the low stability of the properties of thin-film resistors obtained by the method of evaporation of heterogeneous materials are considered. One of the criteria for the stability of thin resistive films can be considered the homogeneity of the source material. The regularities of changes in the electrophysical properties of films depending on the effective carrier concentration for solid solutions of the type Cr1-x TaxSi2 are revealed. Thermodynamic analysis and the results of calculations of the interatomic interaction by the method of pair potentials allow us to predict the features of technological methods for producing thin films based on the CrSi2 –TaSi2 system.


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How to Cite

Сасов, А. М. (2021). Development of film materials based on refractory compounds for products operating in extreme conditions. E-Journal of Dubna State University. A Series of “Science of Man and Society”, (4(41), 50–57. Retrieved from


