Underwater volcanism as one of the causes of cyclonic activity central pacific
hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, underwater volcanism, the Pacific Belt, endogenous activity of the EarthAbstract
Catastrophic atmospheric phenomena, such as storms, hurricanes and typhoons, annually claim thousands of human lives in regions of the Earth predisposed to such disasters. The article contains a comprehensive analysis of possible causes and energy sources capable of generating cyclones in the central part of the Pacific Ocean with a wind speed of more than 20 m/s. It is noted that, in accordance with well-established ideas, atmospheric processes are associated exclusively with the arrival of solar energy. At the same time, within the equatorial belt most heated by the Sun, there are certain zones responsible for the generation of the absolute majority of hurricanes with energy reaching 1017–1019 J per day. Such zones are characterized by abnormally high endogenous heat flux, active seismicity and volcanism. It has been suggested that the occurrence of catastrophic phenomena in the atmosphere is the result of the superposition of the external influence of the Sun and the endogenous activity of the Earth.
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