Possibilities of x-ray microtomography for the study of natural samples


  • M.S. Khozyainov Dubna State University
  • O.A. Yakushina Dubna State University
  • R. V. Sotensky Dubna State University
  • A.O Gridin Dubna State University
  • A. V. Lapkin Dubna State University


x-ray tomography, study of mineral composition, natural and artificial diamonds and pearls


The paper shows the possibility of using x-ray tomography to study samples of natural objects, including rock and ore samples. The physical basis for the study of the mineral composition of geological samples. The importance of using standard samples measured together with the object under study is shown. Examples of application of x-ray tomography are given: separation by mineral composition of manganese ores, which allowed to make a conclusion about the possibilities of their technological processing; separation of pearl species; separation of natural and artificial diamonds. The main ways of the method development are outlined.


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How to Cite

Хозяинов, М. С., Якушина, О. А. ., Сотенский, Р. В., Гридин, А. О., & Лапкин, А. В. (2021). Possibilities of x-ray microtomography for the study of natural samples. E-Journal of Dubna State University. A Series of “Science of Man and Society”, (3(40), 42–48. Retrieved from https://ein.uni-dubna.ru/index.php/ein/article/view/108


