Research of the effect of sample preparation on the specific capacity of porous carbon material
supercapacitors, porous carbon material, ionic liquidsAbstract
Supercapacitors as impulse devices for energystorage and storage have great prospects in alternativeenergy, improving the energy efficiency of infrastructure facilities, as well as improving the quality of electricity. Modern developments of supercapacitors in thefield of increasing specific energy consumption areaimed at increasing the operating voltage of the cell orat increasing the capacity of porous carbon. The mostpromising research in the field of increasing the voltageof the cell. Increasing the cell voltage is possible whenusing new electrolytes, for example, ionic liquids with ahigh decomposition voltage. In this paper, we investigate the influence of methods for applying an ionic liquid (1-methyl-3-butyl imidazolium tetrafluoroborate) ona porous carbon material (PCM). It has been demonstrated that vacuum impregnation does not lead to asignificant increase in the specific capacity of the PCM,and the addition of acetonitrile to reduce the electrolyte viscosity leads to the appearance of side RedOx processes.
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